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In my last post; you will recall the counselor told ROB that she was 99.9% sure that if an assessment were to be done, that it would come back and show that he was an alcoholic.  99.9% sure…WOW!!! That’s pretty definite and for someone to say something like that must be a sign that finally someone saw what I was seeing, but the bigger question was, what was ROB gonna do about it if anything.  WHAT WOULD HAPPEN AT HOME?

The drive home that day seemed like a drive that was never gonna end and all I kept hearing was 99.9% sure, 99.9% sure, 99.9% sure.  Over and over and over.  My drive time home was only about 15 minutes, but it seemed like a lifetime that day.  Then I started thinking, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN AT HOME, would ROB take out his anger on me, would ROB go drinking, even come home or what?  Should I call him and see? What would I say, how would I start a conversation with him?  Should I call my parents and talk with them or better yet, call ROB’s mom and see what she thought.  NO, came back very loud in my mind, I can’t call ROB’s mom.  She didn’t even want to help me before I had a medical opinion, what makes me think she would want to help me now.  If there was one thing I had learned since being married to ROB and dealing with his family, they never dealt with issues but turned the other cheek and just hoped the issue or problem would go away.  Well, that’s not how my family was.  In my family, we talk about everything and lean on each other when times get tough.  Boy was I in a bigger predicament than I could have ever imagined.

I remember pulling into the garage and just sitting in my car for about anther 30 minutes.  Once I made it into the house, I went and sat on our deck that overlooked a golf course.  Oh yes, our home was nice.  ROB always tried to impress people with things he couldn’t afford and his biggest lies were the ones he told himself.  Lies about our financial situation, lies about how perfect our marriage was, lies about me, lies about his personal life and the demons that haunted him.  If there was one thing I knew, was that I could not change a person or help them unless they wanted help.  Most importantly, I needed to help myself now.  What did I need?  That was something I needed to figure out.  I had started to lose so much of myself in this marriage and started to become someone I didn’t even recognize.  Oh sure, I could put on a happy face in front of our family & friends, but once I crossed over that doorway into our home, I became a depressed person.  I remember not even wanting to get out of bed most days.  Now, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN AT HOME?

ROB came home that night and started in on me.  He claimed he didn’t know how, but that I had gotten to the counselor and made her say those things and that he was not an alcoholic, he was not now or EVER going back to another counseling session and that he would fix what ever needed to be fixed on his own.  ON HIS OWN…that was the last thing that was said about it that night as I remember getting up from the couch, going to our bedroom, closing the door and crying myself to sleep.

One thing ROB never knew, I had a two pictures of us in my night stand and almost every night I would pray to GOD for him to give me the strength to get through this and to give me double the strength to make it through another day to finding the person that I first had fallen in love with.  Would that person ever be able to come back to me?  Did that person even exist anymore.

The next morning, ROB got up, got ready to go to work and came to my bedside, gave me kiss and off he went.  Little did he know what I had planned for my day.  With what little energy I had, I got out of bed and went to my office.  I decided I need to make a call to ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, I wasn’t sure where they were, how I would explain my situation, use our real names or how all this worked.  So I decided to GOOGLE it. WWW.GOOGLE.COM then to ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, there it was….WWW.AA.ORG.  I think I just sat staring at that computer screen for the next 30 minutes.  Then I did it, I made the call.

How could I have possibly known WHAT WOULD HAPPEN AT HOME, next.

If you are dealing with someone who you think maybe or is an alcoholic, please contact ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS and get help.  You can access their website at to find out more information.


Look for my next entry as we come closer and closer to the conclusion to this marriage!

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